Premier League

Souness keeps laying into unbothered snowflake Grealish

Graeme Souness during a Sky Sports broadcast

There is something about Jack Grealish which has set Graeme Souness off. The TV, radio and newspaper pundit even drags Pep Guardiola into it.


Graeme crackers
It is the headline Mediawatch dreaded reading on Friday morning, right down to the full-story length, randomly capitalised word and proper football mannerisms to continue this laborious and entirely one-sided feud.

As Graeme Souness said on Thursday: “I’m on talkSPORT with you guys, which I’m loving. I have a column with the Daily Mail, in which I get a chance to express my opinion and I’m on Sky. I’ve had over 50 years in the game, I think I’m entitled to an opinion.”

Jack Grealish never suggested otherwise, of course, but Souness is willing to pretend otherwise in his third incredibly high-profile platform.

‘GRAEME SOUNESS: Players are far too molly-coddled these days and get away scot-free as fingers are rarely pointed at them… the likes of Jack Grealish need to DEAL with the criticism that comes their way!’

‘I seem to have caused Jack Grealish offence by saying that I think he is a good player but not a great one, on the evidence of what I’ve seen in his first year or so at a big Premier League club,’ he begins.

Grealish did admittedly say “I don’t know what his problem is with me” and that “he always says stuff about me,” when asked about Souness. The Scot really does disprove that by slagging Grealish off in his newspaper column instead of his radio slot or TV punditry gig.

Only one party seems to have been ’caused offence’ here. And it’s not the one who laughed at the initial question put to him in an England press conference.

Souness proceeds to explain to the professional footballer, Britain’s most expensive player and someone Pep Guardiola “is more than happy and delighted with”, exactly what the sport is about. Men at it, blow for blow, presumably.

‘But football is not just about dribbling past one player, dribbling past a second player and then giving the ball away when you try to take on the third.

‘It’s about seeing the picture – the right picture – on the pitch. It’s about delivering the right pass. Quickly. Moving the ball on. Quickly. Doing this relentlessly, week after week after week.

‘And then, on top of that, the hard yards without the ball, which Manchester City do better than anyone at the moment. This is what all the great players do.

‘I’ve been over 50 years in this game and I think I’m entitled to…

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