Premier League

Football decision-makers attend 2024 TransferRoom Summit in Rome

Image courtesy of TransferRoom

Hundreds of key football decision-makers from across the world descended upon Rome, Italy’s capital city, to start their summer transfer business at the 2024 TransferRoom Summit.

TransferRoom, a marketplace that empowers football clubs, agents and players in the transfer market by giving them real-time market intelligence and direct access to a global network of decision-makers through in-person events and its digital platform, hosted the Summit held across three days – two of which in Rome, one online.

A total of 640 people were in attendance for the summit in total, representing 90 football leagues from 58 different countries. A staggering 4,421 meetings were held in Rome and online, with the attendees negotiating transfers and building key relationships.

The majority of those meetings took place during a thoroughly successful ‘speed-dating’ event in the Italian capital, in which transfer deals were negotiated in brief 15 minute periods.

Image courtesy of TransferRoom

Image courtesy of TransferRoom /

Adam Leventhal hosted two panel discussions at the event, one on-stage with Federico Pastorello (Agent and Owner of P&P Sports Management, one of over 450 Trusted Agency on TransferRoom) and Federico Balzaretti (Sporting Director at Udinese Calcio in Serie A), and another about agent myths with Pastorello and Ohad Cohen (Agent at SPOCS sports consultants). Speaking about TransferRoom, Leventhal said:

“It’s great for clubs of all shapes and sizes. It’s testament to the importance of it that you get so many senior people from football clubs from all around the world attending. It’s certainly the place to be.”

Melissa Onana, the Owner of Be the Future Management, another agency on TransferRoom, expressed the benefits of the Summit too, hailing the ease of access to top football decision-makers in one place, saving weeks of travel around the world:

“It’s really helpful because you don’t have to travel all around the world to meet the clubs. It’s easier to strengthen your relationships.”

Como 1907 Director of Football Dennis Wise echoed Onana’s sentiments, saying: “When you come to a place like this [TransferRoom Summit] and you actually meet the personnel, it’s good to network and really try and work together.”

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