Premier League

What is doping? History of suspensions and protocols explained after Paul Pogba ban

Anabolic Steroids

Football has its fair share of modern-day problems and drug doping remains a controversial and nuanced issue for the game’s leading officials.

While clubs around the world are always looking for their next advantage in an ever-evolving landscape, players are under pressure to tow the line and stay away from doping due to issues around athlete safety, fair play and the integrity of the sport.

However, footballers have come under the microscope and been banned for taking unauthorised substances over the years, whether it was deliberate or otherwise.

Here’s what you need to know about doping in football.

Anabolic Steroids

Doping is illegal throughout the sporting world / Simon Hausberger/GettyImages

Doping is the use of prohibited drugs or substances to enhance physical performance in sport. The International Olympic Committee defines it as “the intentional or unintentional use of prohibited substances and prohibited methods on the current doping list”.

Players who have doped in the past may have done so with the aim of gaining increased stamina or strength for matches, though the many risks far outweigh the slim chances of success. Footballers can suffer harm to their physical, mental and emotional well-being by doping.

The pressures of modern-day football can influence players – especially younger stars – to dope to maintain high levels of performance and increase their chances of winning, while injured footballers may also be tempted to reduce their time in recovery.

The risk to player welfare and disregard for fair play means doping is banned throughout football, with punishments varying from monetary fines to on-field suspensions.

Anything on the World Anti-Doping Agency’s list of Prohibited Substances is off limits for players and staff, who are reminded it is their responsibility to ensure their body does not come into contact with any banned material.

Random player testing is regularly carried out to measure players’ blood and urine after games, with the punishment for skipping these commitments considerable. Rio Ferdinand was a high-profile example, missing eight months of action for Man Utd after failing to present himself at Carrington for a test.

As well as being guilty of doping, players can also face bans for:

Some of the most well-known substances used for doping in sports are anabolic steroids, stimulants and human growth hormone (HGH).

The use of performance-enhancing drugs isn’t widely associated with football like it is in other sports like cycling, weight-lifting…

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