Premier League

Most Iconic Football Skills Discovered By Players in History

Most Iconic Football Skills Discovered By Players in History

Football is a game of tactics, hard work, perseverance, goals, saves, and skills. Players performing jaw-dropping abilities are one of the reasons many tune in to watch the game. The moment a player executes a complex skill to perfection amazes everyone and proves why football is a beautiful game.

Over the years, we have seen several skills invented. While some have vanished, others have stood the test of time. However, a few were so outrageous and revolutionary that they have enshrined their name in the game forever.

These skills have added flair to the game and attract the attention of fans bamboozled by this exquisite combination of talent, trickery, hard work and risk-taking factor. 

So, here are the ten most iconic football skills and their inventor that changed the game forever.

Most iconic skills in football 

Cruyff turn- John Cruyff

No person in football has affected the game as much as a player and manager as John Cruyff did. As a player, he revolutionised football with the invention of ‘Total Football‘ before embarking on a managerial career where he won 14 trophies using tactics that would serve as inspiration for Pep Guardiola when he invented ‘tiki-taka‘. 

Amidst all this, Cruyff also invented a new skill, ‘the Cruyff turn’. Cruyff first used the skills against Sweden in the 1974 FIFA World Cup. Cruyff would fake a pass in this skill before dragging the ball in the opposite direction and turning around quickly to leave the defender in the dust.

The Cristiano Ronaldo Chop- Cristiano Ronaldo

There is no doubt that Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the best players ever to play football. The Portuguese has won 32 trophies, including the FIFA Ballon d’Or, scoring over 800 goals. However, one of his accomplishments that have fascinated everyone worldwide is the famous ‘Ronaldo Chop’. 

Doing this skill requires you to pass the ball quickly between your two feet. However, there are two things you need to remember regarding the way you want to go. First, if you want to go to the left side, you use the right foot to slice the ball with the left leg in front of the ball and vice versa. Using this ensures that you can change the ball’s direction massively, which, when done, quickly leaves the defender going in the wrong direction.

The Maradona Turn- Diego…

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