NCAA Women

Title IX’s Influx of Illini Women from the International Stage

Title IX’s Influx of Illini Women from the International Stage

By Mike Pearson

Except for Antarctica, every other continent on Planet Earth has at one time been represented by women’s athletes who’ve worn the Orange & Blue of the Fighting Illini.

The list of more than 100 Illini who’ve hailed from countries outside of the borders of the United States is headlined by Hall of Famers Lindsey Nimmo Bristow from England and Perdita Felicien Campbell and Emily Zurrer from Canada, but there are countless other foreign athletes who’ve also flown the University of Illinois’ colors.

UI Director of Athletics Josh Whitman says that the international student-athletes with whom he’s been associated seem humbled to have had the opportunity to compete in America.

“By and large, our international student-athletes are very grateful to be here,” Whitman said. “It’s fun to watch them grasp the American athletics experience and come to understand the platform they’ve been provided. They’re a lot of fun to be around because they’re incredibly humble and they’re very motivated to take advantage of and really enjoy the full spectrum of the opportunity that exists in a place like Illinois. I think that anytime someone gets the chance to experience something that’s truly different than what you’re accustomed to or what you grew up knowing, it always gives you a different view on that opportunity.”

Executive Senior Associate Director of Athletics and Senior Woman Administrator Sara Burton harkens back to the international student-athletes she encountered as a soccer player at Knox College.

“Certainly, what was modeled to me through their behavior and their words was that they weren’t taking that opportunity for granted in any way, shape or form,” Burton said. “They really looked to maximize that opportunity. And I think that is congruent with today’s international student-athletes. I’ve worked with several personally. In fact, I have a thank you note here from one of my women’s basketball student-athletes who shared a point of gratitude for our support of her around some specific travel needs related to her visa. That’s something that doesn’t go unnoticed with our international student-athletes. They take great pride in having an opportunity to compete and perform on behalf of Illinois. There’s just a great deal of gratitude around those opportunities and they look to maximize…

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