Premier League

How are Arsenal meant to succeed when referees are conspiring against them?

Arsenal players surround referee Darren England.

The weekend controversy between Arsenal and Chelsea strengthens one Mailboxer’s belief that there’s a refereeing conspiracy against Arsenal. Also: Musk’s Man Utd; more on Souness; and latching on to the Lionesses.

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Poor ole Man United, just can’t catch a break at the moment. If it’s not our owners being our owners, or our players suffering collective amnesia over how to kick a ball, it’s what is laughably called our *check notes* “transfer plans”.

Still, it’s all going to be fine because Knighton/Radcliffe will buy the club and . . . wait, what is this I hear a little birdie tweet? Elon Musk will buy Manchester United.

As we all know Elon is famous for carrying through on tweeted promises, just ask, um, Twitter. So this is basically a done deal. We also know a few other things. Firstly, it ain’t going to happen overnight, so Mr Ten Hag still has to work his magic on these beans before he can trade up to a cash cow. Secondly, Elon Musk. So expect the whole first team to be fired if they put in a ropey performance and endless random blarping from a self-proclaimed internet expert with even less knowledge than the usual self-proclaimed internet experts but just happens to own the club (/me checks reflection in the mirror, still looking awesome!). Fortunately whether it goes ahead or not this farrago is bound to have a soothing and edifying effect upon the team and fans of all stripes.

Still, at least as far as I know we’d have an owner who hasn’t committed wide scale human rights abuses. Unless you count his employees.

What a time to be alive, eh?
Collin (nothing could convince me to buy a Tesla) Hack


Musk clarifies his comments about buying Man Utd from the Glazer family


Ref conspiracies
Earlier on in the year, between New Year’s Day and Valentine’s Day(ish), Arsenal were on the receiving end of some incredibly bizarre, harsh, strict and outright bewildering referee calls. It wasn’t just one call, or one particularly bad game, or just one ref. It was a string of matches where Arsenal suffered outrageously. Arsenal fans were absolutely howling conspiracy.

Naturally, the reaction of the opposition fans was to laugh. Look at those precious Arsenal fans thinking they are being picked on by refs, they would chortle. The media, at first, published a load of articles laughing at the precious Arsenal snowflakes and their disciplinary record. TV and radio would…

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