Premier League

Pleas for patience amid f***s no longer being given in a Mailbox split on Man Utd…

Harry Maguire applauds Man Utd supporters.

There’s more than just Man Utd in the Mailbox – Alexander-Arnold, Arsenal, Palace, and more – but opinion on the Old Trafford farce is divided.

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Madness to move Trent
Having read CanuckLFC’s letter in Monday morning’s Mailbox I felt myself let out an audible sigh at my desk. Every time Trent has a below par game at RB there seems to be a certain group that want him pushed into midfield so he is ‘further forward’ and thus will be more dangerous. I believe the expression is ‘putting 2 and 2 together and getting 5’.

Now personally I don’t think Trent is as bad of a defender as people make out. Is he the best defensive full back in the Prem? No, he’s not and makes the odd error. The trade off? A generational attacking fullback who is shattering assist records season on season and an integral cog to the way Klopp has Liverpool play. Why on earth would you move somebody creating that many goals a season?! It’s madness. More so when you consider Liverpool have just added Nunez who looks to be a real threat in the box. Taking away those sensational crosses from TAA just makes no sense at all. Let’s not blow up plan A because they had an off day at Fulham.

I also want to point out that the ‘plenty of cover at RB’ he mentions are just that. Cover. Gomez (Centre Back). Milner (Midfielder) and Ramsay (an unproven 18 year old who also happens to be injured) are not fullbacks for a team that is looking to push for the League and Champions League again.

I suppose what I’m saying is playing multiple players out of position’s probably isn’t the answer. Especially when one of those is up there with best in his position in the world.
Adam (Leeds)



The antidote to jerky knees
To try to assuage the anguish of the many knee-jerk reactions I’ve seen during the weekend (esp. on the hellscape that is Twitter), if I may some points to consider.

– Liverpool will be fine. No need to move Trent just yet. Especially as we have Nunez playing as a 9, this would seem a very strange time to move the best crosser of the ball in the World to a central role.

– United will settle and improve over time – Brighton are a good side who are progressing. United need work, lots and lots of work. But I still expect them to push the top 4.

– Tottenham Hotspur will not challenge Liverpool and City. Closer, sure. Better, definitely. Good enough to split or beat those two, not for me…yet.

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