Premier League

Do you support Queen FC?

Manchester CIty fan in a Queen mask

Shades of grey are no good in a black-and-white universe. You are either all in or all out when it comes to life in 2022, whether it be the Queen or Liverpool…

It’s often said that football just reflects society and while that’s largely true, it works the other way too; there has been a complete footballification of society.

The club obsessives whose life is consumed by following their football team and can stand no outside criticism of anything to do with the club are a minority, but they make a lot of noise. All clubs have them but the biggest clubs have the most. These are people who make all our lives worse, who sensible people do not engage with. But we see them all the time defending the indefensible with ire and anger, cooking up paranoia and whataboutery at every turn.

This is footballification – the ‘my club right or wrong’ modus operandi and it has leaked into other areas of society. You will have seen the sack of stained washing that passes for the Prime Minister getting booed as he went into St Paul’s with his wife. Within hours this had been subjected to footballification and a defence of the PM had been invented. This wasn’t booing, it was a BBC conspiracy. The Remoaners at the BBC had apparently added a booing noise to the film to make it sound like the PM wasn’t popular when in fact, everyone was cheering him to the rafters. Reality was denied, a new reality written.

On the other side, some felt the BBC had actually minimised the booing in later reports and was being cowed by the government. However, the corporation said ‘The BBC did not change or edit the sound on any of its recordings yesterday’. It was all classic footballisation.

Some of the same people were accusing a BBC presenter of wearing ‘the colours of the EU’ as a way of protesting the royals and pushing an anti-Brexit agenda. It didn’t seem unconnected that the presenter was not white. Paranoia, seeing enemies everywhere, that is very much…

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