Premier League

Klopp and Pep miss out on top spot in the great big F365 2021/22 manager rankings

Klopp and Pep miss out on top spot in the great big F365 2021/22 manager rankings

Thirty-two different managers had 33 managerial reigns in the Premier League this season and we’ve ranked the whole bloody lot of them right here.

The often laughable numbers in brackets refer to the last time we attempted this exercise back in March, which in many cases really does seem like a very, very long time ago…


33) Steve Bruce (Newcastle, August-October, 32)
Already firmly on the fans’ sh*tlist long before a horrible, grim start to the season. Inexplicably if briefly kept on by the new owners to rack up his 1,000th game and donate three goals and three points to Spurs at a time when the north Londoners couldn’t find their arsehole with both hands. Was taking Newcastle down before the takeover and under Bruce it’s hard to see how any amount of money would have saved them. Their improvement under Eddie Howe has been vast and swift and not even Bruce’s own family would honestly argue that was entirely down to the admittedly helpful multi-million-pound January investment in the squad. Hilariously touted by some high-profile characters for the Manchester United job, showing that some people will simply never, ever learn.


32) Duncan Ferguson (Everton, January, 31)
Did enough in a 1-0 defeat to Aston Villa in his only game to keep a place on Frank Lampard’s managerial team, an appointment which was in truth down to two things. One, the memories of Ferguson’s previous caretaker stint when he whipped Everton into a frenzy that produced a breakneck 3-1 win over Lampard’s Chelsea and two, a pretty correct assessment that getting and keeping the unhappy Everton fans onside would be key and that having a club legend with Ferguson’s chaotic energy around the place couldn’t hurt on that score. Didn’t help Benitez, sure, but he had far too much other baggage didn’t he? Either way, Big Dunc is now off to Ewood Park anyway apparently.


31) Rafa Benitez (Everton, August-January, 29)
Started off genuinely fine, but by the time he left the…

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