Serie A

Enzo reaction symptomatic of today’s world

Club sweep Fernandez's alleged racism under the carpet

In his fortnightly exclusive column for CaughtOffside, Jon Smith, one of football’s first-ever agents and a man who was an integral figure in the forming of the Premier League, discusses why the reaction to Enzo Fernandez’s social media video, why Man United are still allowed to profit from abhorrent Mason Greenwood, who should replace Gareth Southgate – and more! 

Reaction to Enzo Fernandez’s alleged racism is symptomatic of today’s world

Enzo Fernandez was spotted chanting a controversial song about the French national team following Argentina’s Copa America win.

In today’s society you can’t say what you want, you have to say what is acceptable to the world in general.

Enzo Fernandez’s words were critical of somebody’s heritage as I saw them. Not nice but not overly offensive either, and the fact that everybody jumped on it made it a lot worse.

I think is that symptomatic of the times we’re living in. Very often what you say in one sentence these days means you end up in the hangman’s noose, even though what the player probably wanted to infer was a much more placid comment than an offensive racist remark.

I’m not saying this was right from him, but I think the lesson to be learned is twofold.

Firstly, be very, very cautious on what you say publicly.

I’ve been on team buses with players who’ve won a big game, the energy levels are so high and they say and do things that are just spontaneous. I think you have to manage that spontaneity these days.

Secondly, and if I was advising a client of mine who’d been offended, I would advise him or her to make one comment saying ‘I’m disappointed. I’m sad. I love where I come from, and I’m very proud of it.’ Finish, end of story. Don’t make the situation worse.

If you are the injured party, you make one constructive comment and move on.

Abhorrent Mason Greenwood was still an asset for Man United

There are 26.6m reasons why Mason Greenwood’s move from Man United to Marseille has been allowed to happen.

He’s a major asset on the Man United balance sheet, and it’s very difficult when monies are at this level to just turn your back on that.

Sure, if you’re a director of a public company and you make a bad comment or error of judgment, you get fired and the company loses the benefit of your services. But the company’s detriment is exactly that.

It’s the person who loses on this occasion.

I’ve seen and heard some of the stuff that went on with Mason Greenwood, and it was…

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