Premier League

Manchester United Need A Complete Squad Overhaul

Manchester United Need A Complete Squad Overhaul

I think the reality will soon start to bite for us Manchester United fans. Most of us have been swept up in the emotion and relief that the Glazers will no longer be in control and that has led to many thinking / hoping we will see a revolution this summer, with sweeping changes.

The problem is that INEOS have a million fires to put out and address to get the club back where we need to be. SJR has repeatedly stated that it’ll take a minimum of three years (three summer windows in his most recent interview). Which is what I’ve been saying from the start.

No club has ever been successful when trying to make loads of massive changes quickly. The problem with that is it creates chaos, many of the changes don’t work and it becomes impossible to work out why. Did they not work because they were the wrong thing to do, or did they not work because the support wasn’t there due to other changes at the club?

Chelsea have had a similar issue since the takeover, sweeping changes, to the structure, the personnel and the playing squad. They are now on their 4th manager in under 2 years, about to try and start a new project with this new manager again.

They sold / moved on all those older players who needed replacing, and replaced them with much younger players for the future. Yet they lost key elements of the dressing room, and had a lack of experience on the pitch. They’ve hired managers with vastly different playing styles and tactical ideas. Probably further confusing the young squad. They are now still at least 2 years away from being challengers at the top of the table.

Which means even after massive changes it’ll still take them at least 4 years to get back to the top. While they were arguably in a much better place when they were taken over than we were when INEOS came in. They arguably didn’t need a massive revolution, but a few slow tweaks to change the club to suit the new ownership and steady evolution of the squad. The change everything immediately attitude has ultimately just delayed their ability to challenge for top honours.

As for Manchester United, we need to completely overhaul the squad. Its a disjointed Frankenstein squad made up of different parts from different failed projects under various managers. There are probably fewer than 8 players in this squad of 38 players who’ll still be here when we next challenge for a title.

Yet you can’t bring in 17-18 players in one, two or probably even three summer windows without massively upsetting the…

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