NCAA Women

2023 Gossett Fellows Capstone Presentations

2023 Gossett Fellows Capstone Presentations

Senior student-athletes in the Barry and Mary Gossett Fellows Program presented their final Capstone presentations at Gossett Hall on Tuesday, April 25. 

Program Director of Student-Athlete Career Development Nate McGill introduced the graduating class saying, “I can confidently say, we have some of the most talented and brightest students in the nation.”

The presentations from the Gosset Fellows covered key parts of the student-athlete experience: transitioning into Maryland, networking, diversity, mental health, and transitioning out of Maryland. 

These topics were covered in five group presentations for each aspect of a student-athlete career at the University of Maryland. Along with discussing their experiences with Maryland Made and the various programs Maryland offers its athletes, the presentations included recommendations to provide a better student-athlete experience in the future.

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