NCAA Women

Syd Kennedy Sums Up an Unforgettable Gator Experience

Syd Kennedy - ice hockey

Some experiences are irreplaceable. That’s how Sydney Kennedy feels about her time as a Gator. As her journey at Florida comes close to an end, Kennedy reminisces on the memories she has made that will follow her throughout her life. These include valuable skills she learned as a teammate, student and leader to those around her. As she continues shining in practice and games, Kennedy solidifies her legacy in her senior season with Florida.

Syd Kennedy’s athletic career includes being an award-winning ice hockey player before focusing on soccer. 

From the start, Kennedy couldn’t have been more satisfied with her decision to get her college experience down south. While it may be far from her home in Nova Scotia, she felt secure in Florida, as her family has always taken annual vacations to the state. Additionally, she has always admired the family atmosphere that the Gators maintain throughout the athletic department. She says that representing Florida is “a surreal experience”.
“It’s impossible to put into words how incredible it is to be a part of something so special. Such a small percentage of people get to represent a school like Florida at such a high level”, says Kennedy. “And I wake up every day grateful that I get to be a part of this. I’ve made lifelong friends that I’ll probably stay in contact with the rest of my life… and the memories I’ve made, I’ll cherish forever.”
While Kennedy has enjoyed moments with her team from every season at Florida, this year seems extra special. With the new soccer facility up and running, the senior enjoys being able to spend time with the team in the lounge. “We haven’t had a place to just chill and do our thing for the last few years. So team meals and watching movies in the locker room and having the coaches around allows us to get to know them better… I think that, honestly, those have been some of my favorite memories since I’ve been here,” she says.

Overall, Kennedy strives to make the most out of every moment she gets to spend playing during her remaining time as a Gator. “The thought of [soccer] coming to an end, in a way, is very intimidating and very sad. It just makes you want to squeeze every ounce of joy that you can from every single day,” she says.


And the bonds that have grown between athletes and coaches this year gave Kennedy a lot to enjoy. “[The coaches] clicked with the team right off the bat and it just keeps getting better and better. And I’m just excited to…

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