Premier League

Currrent thoughts on Liverpool FC

Currrent thoughts on Liverpool FC

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Players performing well below standards is an issue. However, tactics and formation are killing us. Yet some see no problem with it and think plough on, everything is fine which is eerily similar to exactly what Klopp and the coaches appear to be doing. We cannot have excuses every single game as to why we are drawing or losing games, week in week out. At some point instead of having excuses on deck, do we not just think maybe we are the issue. The players and especially Klopp with the tactics and formation he is willingly to die with, even to his own detriment.

Also, fans being upset about what they are seeing should not be ostracized or be referred to as less than fans, entitled or not supporting the team. So let’s debate it and have a conversation if we must because opposing views will always be there. If some think nothing is wrong, that’s fine and their opinion. If some think, we were unlucky in the majority of our matches this season and should have won them all yet ultimately didn’t, that’s fine too. If some think, absolutely nothing is wrong with the tactics or formation then again, that’s fine. But a lot of fans have a view that doesn’t align with that and guess what, they are also allowed to have that and voice their concerns without be called names or their level of support for the club being brought into question.

All I ask for is if something is clearly not working then surely, I mean surely you try something different. This is what’s concerning me the most. For all of Trent’s problems, please watch yesterdays game and tell me who in midfield was asked to even try and cover the space Trent vacated when the manager is asking him to bomb forward? This is a tactical issue not a player issue. Trent caused two goals, yes but he has not mastered the art of being omnipresent. So then why is Klopp deploying these tactics? This is essentially football suicide as you are handing out invitations for teams to target us essentially all game.

Tell me the logic behind that and who exactly wins in this situation as clearly it’s not us. Hendo was the right sided midfielder yet can anyone please tell me once when they saw him on the right flank covering Trent when he ventured forward. The answer would be they can’t because it never happened. Instead he was central and left side of midfield and sometimes playing like a 10. Pactically everywhere apart from where we actually needed him, which I’m sorry made no sense whatsoever….

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