Premier League

7 times Marcus Rashford was a better person than everyone else

7 times Marcus Rashford was a better person than everyone else

Manchester United star Marcus Rashford has become a class act off the pitch as well as on it, and he is one of the game’s genuine good guys. 

Rashford has managed to become one of the best players in the Premier League – recent form notwithstanding – while also disproving the stereotype of a modern footballer.

We’ve taken a look back at seven times we’ve just really wanted to tell him how much we love him.


In December 2019, Rashford began an initiative to encourage people to support Manchester’s homeless community over the festive period.

He linked up with department store Selfridges to launch the ‘In-The-Box’ campaign, which would help some of the city’s biggest homeless shelters in Barnabus, Centrepoint and Lifeshare.

The initiative saw members of the public fill a shoebox with essential items such as warm clothing and sanitary items and the boxes were then distributed to people in greater need.

“I’m extremely proud of where I’m from,” Rashford said. “I love this city and appreciate all of the support the city has given me over the years so this is my opportunity to help out those that might not otherwise have the best Christmas.

“I’m hoping lots of people will want to get involved too so we can make a real impact together.”

Over 1200 boxes were donated during the campaign and Rashford personally delivered hundreds of boxes to the homeless shelters.

Sign language

In February 2020, Rashford received a letter from a young fan, who invited him to be a judge at his school for a poetry competition.

“Dear Marcus Rashford, please will you be our judge for our World Book Day poetry competition?” read the letter.

“The deaf children in Manchester will write poems. Please can you pick your winners! And give our prizes if you can? Please let us know if you can before Feb 7th.”

After agreeing to judge the competition, Rashford then started learning sign language in preparation for meeting the kids.

The England international also vowed to hand out the awards in person after the lockdown restrictions were lifted.

Free school…

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