Premier League

Manchester United revel in Murtough madness as Arsenal, Chelsea and Liverpool all panic

Manchester United revel in Murtough madness as Arsenal, Chelsea and Liverpool all panic

Manchester United enjoyed watching Arsenal, Chelsea and Liverpool scramble for deadline day deals almost as much as beating Leicester.

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Broken window
Your honor Judge S Winterburn, I would like to present the prosecutions case that F365 did slander Arsenal FC’s summer 2022 transfer window, with their non inclusion in their winners of summer 2022 section written by Mr Matthew Stead at 11.48 am on Thursday 1st September.

I request that you direct F365 and their distinguished employee Mr Matthew Stead to print a full and frank apology to Arsenal FC’s summer 2022 transfer window for the following reasons.

Exhibit A
I present to you Jesus, Arsenal FC’s summer 2022 transfer window delivered divine assistance to a football attack previously described as slow and shambolic. An attack, it pains me to recall, which was previously led by Alexander Lacazette a once classy premier league striker whose mobility had been reduced to that of a 3 wheeled dustbin.

Jesus was cheaper the Mr D Nunez of Liverpool & Mr A Isak of Newcastle both of whom I argue he is a better striker than on account of being the son of a Brazilian.

Exhibit B
Summer transfer window 2022 also delivered Arsenal FC a left back, potential defensive midfielder and potential left 8 wrapped up in the blond haired Adonis that is Alexander Zinchenko. He along with Jesus have brought Arsenal FC the mysterious winning mentality last seen at Arsenal in 2014.

The losers of the summer 2022 transfer window: Liverpool, Manchester United and more

Zinchenko’s dynamism and versatility have taken Arsenal FC’s attack to another level. Mr G Martinelli is currently auditioning to be the next Arsenal player to move to Spain for a silly amount of money. While Mr G Xhaka is proving to be a box to box goal scoring machine. Nobody is more confused by this than I, your honor.

Exhibit C
Departures, now I will admit that Arsenal FC have had the trousers pulled down by many a football club again this summer in regards to transfer fees (Fulham FC for Leno, I mean you?!?). The fact remains that the last of the unwanted players have left Arsenal. Mainland Niles, Torerra, Bellerin are all gone. Shrinking the wage bill and creating space for new players.

Exhibit D
I will end my case with a glance at the premier league table where Arsenal are first, at the top, numero uno… I would continue but have just received a £100 fine from the celebration police. Finish with the…

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