Premier League

Erik ten Hag right to go old-school on Manchester United’s modern-day shirkers

Erik ten Hag issues instructions to his Man Utd players.

Even those Manchester United players most detached from reality cannot have been shocked when Erik ten Hag cancelled their day off in the wake of the Brentford humiliation.

But you can be sure they were surprised, horrified probably, when upon reporting to Carrington the manager and his staff sent them on an eight-and-a-half-mile Sunday morning run.

Sports scientists certainly were if those who The Athletic spoke to are representative of their wider community. Actually, they were ‘unanimously stunned’ by Ten Hag’s response to United’s newest nadir.

It would be fascinating to know what those sports scientists would have done differently in the circumstances. Even if it isn’t relevant in this instance. Ten Hag didn’t have a physiological motive in mind; this was a punishment, pure and simple.

Nobody can argue that the players didn’t deserve it. Many observers, regardless of how long they have been watching United, will tell you what the Red Devils served up on Saturday night was the worst, most spineless and pathetic surrender they have ever seen from their side.

Supporters will – almost as unanimously as those sports scientists – have taken the opposite view, that Ten Hag was right to run his feckless flops. They probably didn’t run far enough.

They would be right. The carrot clearly hasn’t worked for the new regime during the early days of their tenure, or for any other manager in recent years. This was absolutely the right time for Ten Hag to brandish his stick.


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Does that make dinosaurs of him and the supporters who took some solace in the players’ Sunday morning being as miserable as their Saturday night? Not really. The modern-day culture at elite level values accountability, the lack of which goes some way to explaining why United are in the mess they are.

For these players, there have so far been no consequences for their half-arsed actions. Turn up, f*** up, tune out, repeat.

An hour or two in the ‘red zone’ might not have done them much good physically – which was never the aim – but it’s unlikely to have done them any harm either. As The Athletic reported, United’s own performance specialists saw no…

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