Premier League

5 Football Players Who Love Gambling In Casinos

5 Football Players Who Love Gambling In Casinos

Football players all over the world are famous primarily because of their basic job which is playing football. Though not many of them are popular like everyone those who are very popular have something in common, they are very good and potent at what they do.

Beyond the entertainment that these footballers share on the field, while they enjoy their fast card, expensive mansion and luxurious life style that made them seem out of this world, many of them sit back and relax to enjoy the beauty and amusement of the common folks all over the world and one of the amusements enjoyed by this influential footballer is the online casino poker games at the comforts influential footballer he regular casino poker player, many football players spend fortunes ranging from thousands of dollars to million on their poker entertainment.

Though some of them have won big in the game, while some are seen playing with the professionals but it’s certain that the trend of playing poker is on the rise among football players, and below are five of the popular ones

Zlatan Ibrahimovic

Without further ado, the list would be inconsistent if Zlatan Ibrahimovic does not feature among the elite footballer that enjoys poker games. His name always pup up whenever people talks about football. The legendary Swedes international has made name for himself in world football as one of the iconic footballer that have enjoy success throughout their illustrious careers.

He do not only found success in his basic profession, Zlatan Ibrahimovic has made name for himself as a renown casino player while his favorites are Roulette, slot, and poker.

(Image Source: Manchester United Evening News/ Website)

Though he is at the twilight of his career, the big Swede is certainly enjoying his life and time in the beautiful city of Milan after he had traveled far and wide making name for himself in England, France, the United States, and Italy.

More so, Ibrahimovic’s footballing career is not sprung on success…

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