Premier League

‘Suck it’, say Everton fans in the Mailbox. Toffees are going for Europe next season…

Everton fans celebrate after securing Premier League survival.

Everton fans react to Frank Lampard keeping them in the Premier League: Also: mails on pitch invasions, Trent Alexander-Arnold, and the final day…

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Safety sorted. Europe next
Dear all at Football365,

Everton are not going down. I’m sure the sadness felt there will pass soon. Ye practically salivated over the prospect of us being relegated and frankly it was nasty.

All that despite Rafa trying to get us relegated.

Onwards and upwards, we will be back in top 5-7 next season.
Steve Limerick Ireland


…Too much to say so I won’t. I’m numb.


…Absolutely never in doubt.

I can’t feel my knees.
Aidan, EFC, Athens (pass the ouzo, quick!)


…Well John Nicholson can stick Frank in his pipe and smoke it.
Ted Maul.


…Please publish the Frank Lampard hatchet job you had ready to go at half time…
Adam, Midlands



Firefighter Frank
When Everton started to become slightly less rubbish a couple of weeks ago, I read a short article on the website of a bookmaker stating that Frank Lampard had envisioned himself becoming the next Pep Guardiola, but he was having greater success by imitating the style of Jose Mourinho.

The game last night put paid to any comparisons with ‘The Special One’. No Mourinho team has ever been so chaotic, at either end of the pitch.

However, it got me thinking, is Frank Lampard in fact the new Joe F*cking Kinnear?

The Toffees’ survival wasn’t as the result astute tactics, nor was it built on defensive solidity. Instead, the catalyst was ‘PASHUN’! The siege mentality instilled in that Everton side by Lampard is reminiscent of the: “Us against the world” approach favoured by Kinnear.

Admittedly, Lampard is yet to call anyone a c*nt is a press conference, but he is in the infancy of his managerial career, give him time.

It might not be the career trajectory Lampard was hoping for, but it is the perfect moment to carve out a niche as a firefighter. Big…

Click Here to Read the Full Original Article at Football365…