Premier League

Great for the Premier League, bad for Premier League clubs

Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp pumps his chest to the fans

Jurgen Klopp has signed a new deal, Liverpool are buzzing and the Premier League is rubbing its hands together. The clubs in the Premier League sigh and prepare for four more years of domination and biannual (probably quadannual) drubbings.


Klopp’s new deal at Anfield takes him through to the summer of 2026. It’s brilliant news for Liverpool, obviously. The club love him, the fans love him, the players love him and the feeling goes both ways. Klopp is now synonymous with Liverpool Football Club; may God help the poor sod who will eventually replace him.

But he’s just as valuable a commodity to the Premier League. Klopp, as a manager, is ‘worth the entrance fee alone’ – worth spending half your wages on 27 different platforms to watch him fist-pumping at the Kop, grimacing like a gladiator removing their latest head, conducting those special Anfield nights. He’s the box office manager of a box office football team playing box office football. And the Premier League smiles, pats him on the cap and reaps the rewards.

The English top flight is no longer The Best League In The World simply because English people said so often enough. It is now actually the best league in the world, owing to it having the best football teams. After a fallow period of five years without a representative in the Champions League final, should Manchester City and Liverpool hold onto their advantages in the semi-finals this season, seven of the last ten finalists will have hailed from this green and pleasant land. The news of Klopp’s extension as good as guarantees further years of supremacy.

It’s not just about Liverpool, but about the inability for those who wish to compete to rest on their laurels. The Premier League bar is as high as it’s ever been, and given Liverpool’s brilliance on the pitch, where they swarm over and suffocate opponents to win game after game with no let up, and off it, where they have an extraordinary record of making perfect signings, the…

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