Premier League

Raiola dead, Raiola ‘fighting’, Raiola ‘pissed off’ – the story of a ‘fake rumour’

Mino Raiola

Reports suggesting Mino Raiola has died are bullsh*t and the super-agent is understandably a bit ‘p*ssed off’.

It was reported on Thursday that 54-year-old Raiola – agent to Erling Haaland and Paul Pogba – had died.

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We were hoodwinked by the ‘reports in Italy’ along with many, many others.

Raiola underwent ‘delicate surgery’ in January amid struggles with illness, though the nature of the problem was not revealed at the time.

Reports said then that the condition wasn’t life-threatening and that Raiola would begin a period of rehabilitation at home – but he is now back in intensive care.

He isn’t dead. Raiola lives but is “fighting to survive”, and those close to him are “outraged” by the speculation.

His agency confirmed: “He is fighting”… “We are outraged by those who speculate on his life.”

FLASH | Mino #Raiola gravissimo al San Raffaele, Zangrillo: “Sta combattendo”. Il primario: “Indignato da chi specula sulla sua vita” #ANSA

— Agenzia ANSA (@Agenzia_Ansa) April 28, 2022

His right-hand man, José Fortes Rodriguez, said: “He’s in a bad position, but he hasn’t died.”

Raiola is currently at San Raffaele Hospital in Milan and Dr. Alberto Zangrillo said he was “outraged” by the speculation from “pseudo-journalists”.

Zangrillo said: “I’m outraged by the ohine calls from pseudo-journalists speculating on the life of a man who is fighting to survive.”

Current health status for the ones wondering: pissed off second time in 4 months they kill me. Seem also able to ressuscitate.

— Mino Raiola (@MinoRaiola) April 28, 2022

Raiola himself then took to Twitter to add: ‘Current health status for the ones wondering: pissed off second time in 4 months they kill me. Seem also able to ressuscitate’.

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