All In the Name of the Win: An Interview with Racing Louisville Rookie Jordyn Bloomer

All In the Name of the Win: An Interview with Racing Louisville Rookie Jordyn Bloomer

This is the final piece of a multi-part series of features on Racing Louisville’s rookie class of 2022 released here and via the Butchertown Rundown podcast (@ButchertownR) on the Beautiful Game Network. Check out the first part here with an article on Kirsten Davis and the second part with a podcast interview with Savannah DeMelo. The third part features an article on Hilllary Beall. And the podcasts end with an interview with Jaelin Howell in the fourth part.

A Little Backstory

Building soccer programs from the ground up is nothing new for Jordyn Bloomer. While some may find the prospect of joining a young team like Racing Louisville daunting, the rookie goalkeeper finds it exciting.

“I think it definitely doesn’t come without its challenges,” says Bloomer, “but I feel like building a program is something that I’ve actually been doing for a while now.”

She pauses a moment before declaring, “Here’s a little backstory.” 

First, she explains, she was on the very first Elite Clubs National League (ECNL) teams in her home state of Wisconsin. ECNL is considered by many to be the top youth league in the country. Bloomer says that back in those early days, her club could barely put together enough people to field a team. By the time she left, they had four solidly established teams across the required ECNL age groups.

Next, she played college soccer at the University of Wisconsin. While never a poor program, Wisconsin wasn’t historically a regular contender. Outside of national team midfielder Rose Lavelle, there hadn’t been many consistent appearances on the All-American list either. But Bloomer’s four-and-a-half years with the program, the Badgers not only made it to the Sweet 16 four out of five times they also won their first Big Ten Championship.

Says Bloomer: “I’ve been lucky enough to be a part of teams and groups of people that have put together some very special seasons starting with what many people would say is probably…

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